
“I was fortunate enough to have a singing bowl therapy session with Judy and found the result to be quite eye-opening. I am a high maintenance (non) sleeper, and yet I was on the edge of dozing the entire session. It felt almost as if it was an out of body experience in relaxation! I would recommend Judy’s therapy sessions highly! Thank you Judy!” -Lori

“This was a wonderful new experience with incredible instruments which drew out something in me.” -Jeremy

“I haven’t been that relaxed in a long time, with the ability to turn everything off.” -Paula

“I always appreciate Judy and her healing energy that supports individual healing. The various bowls and instruments are so relaxing and grounding, they reconnect me to my body.” -Stacey

“Each session takes you deeper into the experience - really consider doing a minimum of three sessions. It’s a deepening experience as you go along. Judy professionally guided me through the process, the space felt safe and relaxed - ideal for my sessions. I came away with increased self awareness, and pro-active with my own self care. My hands don’t hurt anymore.” -Sandy

“Judy is very intentional and calm. She considers the space and the quality and volume of sound. I always leave feeling more grounded, happy, connected.” -Joanie